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A Farmer's Daughter

Shopping seasonally: self-sufficiency & saving the planet

'Eat Seasonably's' colourful seasonal produce calendar
Half of the colourful seasonal produce calendar by 'Eat Seasonably' (Link below)

T'is the season to buy brussel sprouts, root vegetables and free-range British meat (especially turkey!) if you are wanting to keep food miles low and food tastiness high!

I was recently asked by a friend how to successfully shop seasonally, in other words, how to buy in-season, British-produced fresh goods. They loved the idea of seasonal shopping, but were often thrown by labels and branding in the supermarket, not to mention our old supermarket habits. I always used to pick up broccoli until I realised that half the time it was coming from Spain...we are all guilty!


Before we start on the 'how' to shop seasonally, let's start with the 'why'

  • Better value for money: if you attempt to buy strawberries out of season, the chances are they will cost more as they need to be shipped or flown hundreds/thousands of miles. When there is an abundance of a product as it is in season, the price tends to drop

  • Supports local producers: shopping for seasonal, local produce is a great way to boost British farmers/growers and the whole local supply chain

  • Greater self-sufficiency: Since the '80s, UK self-sufficiency has dropped a whopping 20% due to increased overseas imports (NFU), yet farmers continue to farm and produce top quality produce on our doorsteps. Buying seasonally will not only boost the whole local economy of food production but also reduce our need to rely on international imports in a volatile market

  • Environmental benefits: buying seasonal means eating as nature intended! Buying seasonal, local produce keeps food miles low and food quality and animal welfare high, as we can track our food back to farms within hours or even minutes of our plates

  • Taste: nature intended us to eat strawberries in summer and parsnips in winter, so when we eat them seasonally they taste naturally full of flavour and delicious. Let's keep it that way!

  • Fresh & traceable: with local seasonal goods, you know where your food comes from and that it has not had to sit on a plane or ship for hours on end to reach the supermarket. It is super fresh from farm to fork!


So with these great benefits in mind, how do we navigate our habits and those supermarket labels?

  1. Print out a handy guide to take shopping (see the links below!)

  2. Be BOLD: we are often afraid of trying new things and so buy out of habit. Check your seasonal guide and buy something new, fresh and affordable for the season- you might find a new favourite fruit!

  3. Use those labels! Look for the Union Jack, Red Tractor or names of local producers on your favourite products to buy local food which is in season

If every household purchased produce in this seasonal way, it could cause a phenomenal chain reaction from supermarket to producer to planet. Supermarkets notice the slightest change in consumer behaviour, so a shift to local, seasonal produce could mean they stock more of these delicious, fresh products. Greater support for local producers, greater choice for buyers and a greater chance for our planet.

Take Action!

Free Seasonable Produce Calendars (download and print)

Handy Links

  • BBC programme on buying food for the planet: 'Feast to Save the Planet'

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